hello, i am back again... ps...
hahahaha.. i just ended my birthday for like few days already...
jen, xinhui, pohlee, jas, shujun, jowell, amanda, kunthai for the Ajisen lunch.. its great to have a gd meal with u guys...
jen, xinhui, jas, pohlee, shujun, kor ec for singing k boxxx... kwen tat they need work early morning the next day, still they came. thks!!!!
xinhui, shujun, jowell, xiangwei, kunthai and william for the SK earring and necklace.. i really like it... i love butterfly.. i love e color bronze or gold color.. its one of my favourite color besides brown. i hv always been buying or choosing things with either bronze, gold or brown color.. u guys really got something tat i like.. u guys really noe my taste wor.. gd gd...
jen, jas and pohlee for the cute cat bag, butterfly earring and key braclet. and the bear box. butterfly... woo...hooo.. this year my theme must be butterfly.. cos all of uuu noe i lux butterfly.. cat.. haha.. its cute... i luv collecting buying looking at bags... i dun mind having alot of bags cos i luv it... braclet, key for miii to hv freedom.. hehe...
amanda for the lucky charm and erm... braclet? keychain? haha.. can be both.. yes... with ur lucky charm i will always be lucky... with e keychain braclet, i luv it.. it is very unique.. really didnt see it before..
kor for the t-shirt.. it is cute, casual, style... thkq!!!!
ZILA from my compass point work place... it is very nice to know uuuuu.. got u there to talk to, nag at, i feel lucky. ur angel fairy bracelt, my cutest doraemon... thkq!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 bosses for the present they specially bought from Korea. lucky my birthday is the time they are going to korea, if not, i wont get this from korea. hehehe.. thkq
warren and paul for the accessory box and mouse pad made in korea. it is really very cute box and unique box. it is very nice and grateful to them for remembering me buying me present from korea.. thkq!!!

oops!!!! xiangwei commandor, dont kill miiiiii!!!! i really long time didnt see her le, and i really miss my this best best frenz....

wow, look! jenny dancing wor!!!! nice dance and show..
i love the cake... eating my happy birthday

making wishes.. wanna noe my wishes??? haha.. easy, happy forever and have lots of frenz and hope all my frenz dont forget mii this good frenz eva..

haha... i really miss all my frenz...
every year, i hv been waiting for 31 May, my big day! excited, nervous, happy awaiting for this day.. but this year, my feeling is totally different.. i dont feel any thing this year.. this 2010 is supposed to be my biggest day of life.. 21 yrs old.... but i really feel nothing.. i really dun noe why... my aunt asked me during e end of April..:" shimin arh, how u want to celebrate ur birthday? we book for u chalet?" i remain silence..... for few minutes.. i shaked my head dun noe.. dun want chalet.. i always follow wat my heart thinks. so when she asked, i told her"i want something simple bah" they were surprised. i didnt really look forward for my this big day... i really dun noe why...
but lucky i celebrated, if not, i will lose the opportunity to be with all my these best frenz... when i was celebrating with them, i feel the friendship ties, and warmth, like a big family... i really like this.. i really like the gathering. although not many pple celebrated with mii, i still feel very happy, cos its a simple celebration whereby we all can be together.. my big day, with my biggest best frenz, is a very best present for mii... oso it is a simple celebration tat i want..
i cant always be with them due to work, and oso due to the timing.. i cant be out at night, as they know... i cant have night life.. but my heart always with them and they are always in my heart... i always believe in NO MATTER WHERE WE ARE, HOW LONG WE DIDNT CONTACT OR SEE EACH OTHER, WE ARE ALWAYS BEST FRENZ. COS WE DONT FORGET EACH OTHER. i dont know wat they think. but i believe in this...
thkq guys!!!!